Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, we pray you would grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the "exact representation" of God the Father.
Knowing Jesus is knowing God.
Everything at Grace is focused on helping you know Jesus.
From the children’s ministry to the Sr. Adult gatherings, we strive to help people know, understand, and live in relationship with our Creator.
If we can assist you in this, we covet the privilege. You can send an email to our office, make a phone call, or talk with me or another church member at a Sunday morning service.
We hope to meet you in person. And, as you have blessed us with your presence, we hope that you also are blessed by the awareness of God’s.
~ Pastor Bob
English Service
Vietnamese Service
Spanish Service
2024 Thanksgiving Service was such a joy with all three congregationsion worshipping together in all three languages!
The Letter to the Ephesians
Who did Jesus Claim to Be?
Life, Light, and Love!
Would anyone want what we have?
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